A609 carrier board for NVIDIA® Jetson Orin™ nx and Orin™ nano

A609 carrier board for NVIDIA® Jetson Orin™ nx and Orin™ nano
Leetop-A609 is an embedded artificial intelligence computer capable of delivering high computing power to a wide range of terminal devices. Leetop-609 provides rapid passive heat dissipation and meets industry standards such as earthquake resistance and static resistance. Meanwhile, Leetop-609 has a variety of interfaces and is cost-effective.
Leetop-A609 is an embedded artificial intelligence computer based on NVIDIA 
Orin NX core board. It is a high-performance NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX carrier board 
with rich interfaces. It can provide up to 70/100TOPS(INT8) computing power for 
many terminal devices, while the A609 carrier board provides a wealth of peripheral 

interfaces. Can meet the seismic anti-static and other industrial standards.

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